
03 March 2013

Rome Dispatch with Joan Lewis II

It was a great experience being on Rome Dispatch with Joan Lewis.  Joan is a wonderful host, who knows the Vatican like few others.  She spent a long career working at Vatican Information Services, helping to set it up under Bl. Pope John Paul II in the early 1990s.  The show should be posted to the YouTube channel of EWTN, so look for it there.  Once it's up, I will try to link to it on the website.

We filmed on top of the Augustinianum, the school of the Augustinian friars here in Rome, renown especially for its Patristics program.  They essentially rent out their roof and a variety of other space to reporters including, for example, the Associated Press.  It is a great view of the Basilica and especially the Dome.  From the top, you could see tents set up on top of buildings all around St. Peter's Square for a whole host of news reporters. 

Below are some pictures from the show: