
17 November 2012

Prague, Czech Republic

In addition to going to Vienna last summer, I stopped for a few days in Prague. It's a 5 hour train ride (or so) from Vienna to Prague. By coincidence, I rode with a group of American college students studying in Prague.

Arriving in Prague, the city instantly became one of my favorite cities.  It has the beauty of Vienna combined with Slavic hospitality.  Our Dominican Church there is St. Giles, and is located near the old town square.  The government recently returned much of the religious property to the various orders.  The Czech Republic had some of the most repressive leaders in all the former East Bloc countries.  The religion was almost literally beaten out of the people.  For that reason, the Czech Republic has the fewest percentage of believers in God than any country in Europe.  But they have a very good Bishop in Prague, our Dominican, H.E. Dominik Cardinal Duka.

From Day 1 in Prague:

These are pictures of my second day in Prague:

Here are pictures from my last day in Prague, mostly of St Giles Church: